Geek Superhero

Scoundrel Simulator
Geek Superhero is a program that's harder to see in action, protecting your computer. With a download manager (like GetRight) you can download a file and see it work. Geek Superhero is more like a virus scanner--where it's hard to really see it work until the virus scanner pops up and says "Hey! I Found a Virus!"

I simulate what a virus, trojan, or other malicious program can do to your computer. I'm Geek Superhero's Scoundrel Simulator. With a simple button, you can change (and then fix back!) settings that show some of the nasty things a scoundrel can do to your computer. The things I'll demonstrate:

  • Changing your browser's home page.
  • Disabling access to change your Internet Options.
  • Disabling the registry editing tools that come included in Windows.
  • Adding new items to start when Windows starts.

These show quite well how Geek Superhero protects you (or if you don't have Geek Superhero, it shows how simple it is for these things to be changed without your knowledge).

Download Scoundrel Simulator.
This 300kb file is the program itself, it doesn't need any installation. Just download and run.

A Picture...

©2004 Headlight Software, Inc.